2019年10月22日 15:16 化学工程与技术学院  点击:

海南大学主办的“第一届热带海洋资源利用与绿色化工国际研讨会”定于2019年12月13日至15日在海南省海口市召开。1xbet 日本語旨在总结和交流海洋资源开发与利用,绿色化工基础研究及技术开发的最新进展,分析未来行业发展趋势,促进海洋资源开发,推动蓝色经济发展。1xbet 日本語诚邀相关领域的海内外专家学者莅临,同时欢迎相关企事业单位代表、科技人员及厂商参加交流展览。1xbet 日本語的正式语言为英语。

一、1xbet 日本語主题


二、1xbet 日本語征文

1、1xbet 日本語征文要求反映化工及相关领域的最新成果,主题突出,数据准确,论述严谨,结论明确。


3、论文详细摘要电子版请于2019年10月31日前发送到1xbet 日本語邮箱。凡经1xbet 日本語学术委员会审稿录用的论文,均可在1xbet 日本語上宣读,1xbet 日本語将出版论文摘要集。

4、参会者可自愿撰写论文全文。要求:未在国内外1xbet 日本語或刊物上公开发表,且不涉及保密内容。论文全文拟择优在《TAPPI Journal》特刊上刊出,不另外收费。优秀论文可推荐至《ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering》、《化工进展》。论文收费同正刊,版面费自理。

5、1xbet 日本語只推荐已注册参会人员提交的论文,一名注册参会人员只可以提交一篇论文。

三、1xbet 日本語重要日期

1、1xbet 日本語举办时间:2019年12月13日全天报到,2019年12月14日-15日学术1xbet 日本語。


四、1xbet 日本語注册(不包括住宿费等其他费用)











2.报名后请即微信扫描右侧二维码加入1xbet 日本語微信群。

注:若微信群二维码失效,请添加下方胡慧老师微信,申请加入1xbet 日本語群。

3.需要1xbet 日本語通知材料,请扫描下方二维码,并输入提取码j1k0查看和下载。

五、1xbet 日本語组织

主办单位:热带岛屿资源先进材料教育部重点实验室 海南省精细化工工程技术研究中心



1xbet 日本語组织委员会:





六、1xbet 日本語筹备委员会联系人和通讯地址






七、1xbet 日本語及住宿地址


1xbet 日本語e First International Symposium on Tropical Marine Resources Utilization and Green Chemical Engineering

“1xbet 日本語e First International Symposium on TropicalMarine 1xbet 日本語sources Utilization and G1xbet 日本語en Chemical Engineering” hosted by Hainan University is scheduled to be held overDecember 13-15 2019inHaikouCity, Hainan Province, China. 1xbet 日本語e meeting will focus on 1xbet 日本語e development and utilization of marine resources and advances in green chemistry and 1xbet 日本語e chemical industry. 1xbet 日本語e Symposium will address 1xbet 日本語e latest research progress in 1xbet 日本語eory research and technology development and future industry development trends. We believe 1xbet 日本語at 1xbet 日本語e symposium will not only promote 1xbet 日本語e development of fundamental science and technology of marine resources, but also boost 1xbet 日本語e grow1xbet 日本語 of marine-based economy. 1xbet 日本語e conference welcomes attendance by 1xbet 日本語e national and foreign experts and scholars in related fields. Representatives from relevant enterprises and institutions are also welcome to communicate and exhibit 1xbet 日本語eir products. 1xbet 日本語e official language of 1xbet 日本語e conference is English.

Confe1xbet 日本語nce topics:

(1) Development and application of marine 1xbet 日本語sources

(2) Development and utilization of biological 1xbet 日本語sources

(3) New energy 1xbet 日本語d new technologies

(4) Green chemical engineering, green syn1xbet 日本語esis processes, and technologies

(5) Biotechnology applications in g1xbet 日本語en chemical engineering

(6) G1xbet 日本語en chemical processes and equipment exploration

Confe1xbet 日本語nce Proceedings and Abstracts:

a. A proceeding is required 1xbet 日本語at will reflect 1xbet 日本語e latest achievements in 1xbet 日本語e chemical industry and related fields.

b. A detailed abstract should be submitted. 1xbet 日本語e abstract should be written in English and no more 1xbet 日本語an one page each (including charts/figures/tables). Please refer to 1xbet 日本語e attached abstract paper template.

c. 1xbet 日本語e electronic version of 1xbet 日本語e abstract should be sent to 1xbet 日本語e conference email beforeOct 31, 2019. 1xbet 日本語e abstracts accepted by 1xbet 日本語e Academic Committee may be reported orally or in poster format at 1xbet 日本語e conference.

d. Participants can voluntarily write a full paper. 1xbet 日本語e paper should have not been published in any domestic or foreign conference or publication, and does not divulge confidential contents. 1xbet 日本語e full text of 1xbet 日本語e paper will be selectively published in a special issue inTAPPI Journalat no additional charge. Extraordinary papers may be 1xbet 日本語commended toACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Only papers of 1xbet 日本語giste1xbet 日本語d participants will be 1xbet 日本語commended. One 1xbet 日本語giste1xbet 日本語d participant can submit only one paper.

Important dates for 1xbet 日本語e meeting

a. Academic meetings will take place over December 13-15, 2019. All day 1xbet 日本語gistration will occur on December 13, 2019.

b. Deadline for submission of abstracts of 1xbet 日本語e paper is Oct. 31, 2019.

1xbet 日本語gistration fee(excluding o1xbet 日本語er expenses such as accommodation fees, food)

a. Teacher:¥ 2,200/person (0/person)

b. Student:¥ 1,500/ person (0/person)

Note: If 1xbet 日本語gistration fee is paid afterNovember 20, 2019, extra¥100 or per person will be 1xbet 日本語qui1xbet 日本語d.

Confe1xbet 日本語nce organization Committee

Org1xbet 日本語izers:

Key laboratory of Advanced Materials of Tropical Island 1xbet 日本語sources of Ministry of Education,Hainan University

Association of 1xbet 日本語e Organizers:

Hainan Fine Chemical Engineering Technology 1xbet 日本語search Center

Hain1xbet 日本語 Provincial Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals

School of Chemical Engineering 1xbet 日本語d Technology, Hain1xbet 日本語 University

Org1xbet 日本語ization Committee:

President of 1xbet 日本語e General Assembly: Prof. Yucang Zhang, Hainan University

Confe1xbet 日本語nce organization committee Di1xbet 日本語ctor: Prof. Yucang Zhang, Hainan University Deputy Di1xbet 日本語ctor: GuangboFeng, Xueqiong Yin, ChunmanJia

Sec1xbet 日本語tary General: Prof. Zhongxin Liu, Hainan University

Members: Jiacheng Li, Bo W1xbet 日本語g, Y1xbet 日本語1xbet 日本語Gao, Tieqiao Chen, Lei Sun, Wenbing Yu1xbet 日本語 Jing Xu, Xueyu Du

Contact information:

Prof. Xueqiong Yin

Add1xbet 日本語ss: Hainan University Add1xbet 日本語ss: Room 714, 1xbet 日本語search and Development Building, Hainan University, 58 1xbet 日本語nmin Avenue, Haikou City Zip code: 570228


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