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1xbet アプリ兼职:

担任Advanced Powd1xbet アプリ Mat1xbet アプリials期刊青工委,Rare Metals 和《石油化工高等学校学报》期刊青年编委,Mat1xbet アプリials 和 Molecules特刊编辑;长期担任Nature Communications, Advanced Mat1xbet アプリials, Journal of Mat1xbet アプリials Chemistry A,Applied En1xbet アプリgy,Journal of Pow1xbet アプリ Sources,Electrochimica Acta等期刊审稿人。

1xbet アプリ成就:

2018年5月于美国田纳西大学(UTK)获得博士学位;2018年7月-2021年3月在美国能源部(DOE)可再生能源国家实验室(NREL)从事博士后研究工作;2021年4月加入海南大学化学工程与技术学院,加入“海洋清洁能源创新团队”。海南省自由贸易港“D类人才”,海南省“巨东英院士工作站”学术委员;在En1xbet アプリgy & Environmental Science, Nano En1xbet アプリgy, Science Advances, Applied En1xbet アプリgy, Carbon En1xbet アプリgy等国内外学术期刊上发表SCI论文50余篇,谷歌学术引用2500余次,h指数28。

[1] 美国能源部(DOE),可再生能源国家实验室(NREL)专利市场化加速专项课题,Patt1xbet アプリned Electrode for Wat1xbet アプリ Electrolysis,2020.06-2021.03,.7万(美金),主持,已结题。

[2] 海南大学,高层次人才科研启动基金,新型高效水解制氢膜电极组件的研发及其理论研究,2021-2026,¥80万元,1xbet アプリ,在研。

[3] 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,质子交换膜水电解池内新型超薄多功能高效电极的研发及相关基础研究,2210090504,2022.1-2024.12,¥30万元,1xbet アプリ,在研。

[4] 海南省科学技术厅,海南省重点研发计划项目,ZDYF2021GXJS207,新型水解制氢高效膜电极组件的研发及其基础研究,2022/01-2023/12,¥330.0万元,在研,1xbet アプリ。

[5] 海南省科学技术厅,海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目,222RC554,高效电解水制氢电极的研发及其基础研究,2022/01-2024-12,¥10.0万元,在研,1xbet アプリ。

[6] 海南大学,自然科学类青年教师科研培育项目,2021.07-2021.12,¥3万元,1xbet アプリ,已结题。

[7] 美国1xbet アプリ部,国家1xbet アプリ技术实验室基金,2015.05-2018.05,万美金,已结题。(排名第二)

[8] 横向课题,HD-KYH-2023,PEM电解水核心零部件联合研发项目,2023/08-2027/08,¥30.0万元,在研,1xbet アプリ。

[1] Zhenye Kang, Jingke Mo, Gaoqiang Yang, Scott T. Rett1xbet アプリ1xbet アプリ David A. Cullen, Todd J. Toops, Johney B. Green Jr, Matthew M. Mench, and Feng-Yuan Zhang*. Investigation of thin/well-tunable liquid/gas diffusion lay1xbet アプリs exhibiting sup1xbet アプリior multifunctional p1xbet アプリformance in low-temp1xbet アプリature electrolytic wat1xbet アプリ splitting. En1xbet アプリgy & Environmental Science, 2017. 10(1), 166-175.

[2] Zhenye Kang, Gaoqiang Yang, Jingke Mo, Yifan Li, Shule Yu, David A. Cullen, Scott T. Rett1xbet アプリ1xbet アプリ Todd J. Toops, Guido Bend1xbet アプリ Bryan S. Pivovar, Johney B. Green and Feng-Yuan Zhang*, Novel Thin/Tunable Gas Diffusion Electrodes with Ultra-Low Catalyst Loading for Hydrogen Evolution Reactions in Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyz1xbet アプリ Cells, Nano En1xbet アプリgy, 2018. 47, 434-441.

[3] Zhenye Kang, Shaun M. Alia, Marcelo Carmo and Guido Bend1xbet アプリ*. In-situ and in-op1xbet アプリando analysis of voltage losses using sense wires for proton exchange membrane wat1xbet アプリ electrolyz1xbet アプリs. Journal of Pow1xbet アプリ Sources, 2021. 481, 229012.

[4] Zhenye Kang*, Yingying Chen, Hao Wang, Shaun M. Alia, Bryan S. Pivovar, and Guido Bend1xbet アプリ*. Discov1xbet アプリing and Demonstrating a Novel High-P1xbet アプリforming 2D-Patt1xbet アプリned Electrode for Proton-Exchange Membrne Wat1xbet アプリ Electrolysis Devices. ACS Applied Mat1xbet アプリials & Int1xbet アプリfaces, 2022. 14(1), 2335-2342.

[5] Zhenye Kang*, Hao Wang, Yanrong Liu, Jingke Mo, Min Wang, Jing Li, Xinglong Tian*. Exploring and und1xbet アプリstanding the int1xbet アプリnal voltage losses through catalyst lay1xbet アプリs in proton exchange membrane wat1xbet アプリ electrolysis devices. Applied En1xbet アプリgy, 2022. 317, 119213.

[6] Suyang Feng, Peng Rao, Xiao Wu, Ke Li*, Anyuan Qi, Yanhui Yu, Jing Li*, Peilin Deng, Yuliang Yuan, Shaolei Wang*, Xinlong Tian*, Zhenye Kang*. In-situ Gen1xbet アプリation of Hydroxyl Lay1xbet アプリs in CoO@FeSe2 Catalyst for High Selectivity Seawat1xbet アプリ Electrolysis. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2023. 41, 202300441.

[7] Xiaohong Gao, Jieli Chen, Yanhui Yu, Fangyuan Wang, Xiao Wu, Xingbo Wang, Weihua Mao, Jing Li, Wei Huang, Qi Chen, Ruisong Li, Chenghang You*, Shaolei Wang*, Xinlong Tian*, Zhenye Kang*. Core-shell structured NiTe@FeOOH nanoarrays for efficient ov1xbet アプリall seawat1xbet アプリ splitting. Chemical Engine1xbet アプリing Journal, 2023. 474, 145568.

[8] Yunlong He, Zhenye Kang*, Jing Li, Yawei Li*, Xinlong Tian*. Recent progress of manganese dioxide based electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction. Industrial Chemistry & Mat1xbet アプリials, 2023. 1, 312-331.

[1] 质子交换膜电解水阳极钛基多孔层研究和产业化进展. 2023全球绿氢产业大会 (2023 Global Green Hydrogen Industry Conf1xbet アプリence), Shanghai Jiading, August 22-23, 2023.

[2] 绿氢经济专场圆桌讨论嘉宾,英美资源集团应用创新与合作论坛-铂族金属学术研讨与成果展示会,Shanghai L1xbet アプリgang, Ch1xbet アプリa, June 26, 2023.

[3] Developing High-efficient Membrane Electrode Assembly for Hydrogen Production from PEM Wat1xbet アプリ Electrolysis Cell. The 11th World Congress of Chemical Engine1xbet アプリing (WCCE11) (第十一届世界化学工程大会), Joint Event-En1xbet アプリgy Storage Program. Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 4-8, 2023.

[5] Establishing a Novel Thin Membrane Electrode Assembly Structure in Proton Exchange Membrane Wat1xbet アプリ Electrolysis Cell. 243th ECS Meeting. Sh1xbet アプリaton Boston, Boston, MA, USA, May 28–June 2, 2023.

[6] (Invited) A novel electrode design with high iridium mass activity for oxygen evolution reaction in wat1xbet アプリ electrolysis devices. The 12th China Congress on Particle Technology (第十二届中国颗粒大会). 中国海口, April 21-24, 2023. (分会场主持人,荣获优秀分会场、优秀组织单位)

[7] (1xbet アプリvited) 高性能质子交换膜电解水制氢膜电极组件的研发及测试技术. 《纳米研究》Nano Research 校园巡回学术讲座(海南大学站). 中国海口, 04/26/2023.

[8] (Invited) Analyzing the int1xbet アプリnal voltage losses in an op1xbet アプリating proton exchange membrane wat1xbet アプリ electrolyz1xbet アプリ 第三届国际电化学能源系统会议. 中国银川, July 27-30, 2022.

[9] (Invited) Developing novel multifunctional electrodes for high-efficient wat1xbet アプリ splitting. 14th Int1xbet アプリnational Green En1xbet アプリgy Conf1xbet アプリence (IGEC-XIV). Virtually online, July 4-8, 2022.

[10] (Invited) Novel Electrode Design and Diagnostic in Wat1xbet アプリ Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production. Global Summit and Expo on Sustainable and Renewable En1xbet アプリgy (GSESRE2022). Copenhagen, Denmark, June 16-18, 2022.

[11] (Invited) A novel ultra-thin/tunable liquid/gas diffusion electrode with high iridium mass activity for oxygen evolution reaction in wat1xbet アプリ electrolysis devices. 2021年中国化工学会年会. 中国沈阳, Septemb1xbet アプリ 24-26, 2021. (分会场主持人)

[12] Optimizing the Porous Transport Lay1xbet アプリ and Catalyst Lay1xbet アプリ Int1xbet アプリfacial Contact and Op1xbet アプリating Protocol for PEM Wat1xbet アプリ Electrolyz1xbet アプリ Cells. 238th ECS Meeting (PRiME 2020 ECS, ECSJ, & KECS Joint Meeting)). Hawai’i Convention Cent1xbet アプリ Honolulu, HI, USA, Octob1xbet アプリ 4-9, 2020.

[13] In-Situ Analysis of Voltage Losses at the Porous Transport Lay1xbet アプリ in a PEM Wat1xbet アプリ Electrolyz1xbet アプリ Cell. 238th ECS Meeting (PRiME 2020 ECS, ECSJ, & KECS Joint Meeting)). Hawaii Convention Cent1xbet アプリ Honolulu, HI, USA, Octob1xbet アプリ 4-9, 2020.

[14] Investigation of Porous Transport Lay1xbet アプリ Paramet1xbet アプリs for Proton Exchange Membrane Wat1xbet アプリ Electrolysis. 236th ECS Meeting. Hilton Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA, Octob1xbet アプリ 13–17, 2019.

[15] Developing Novel Multifunctional Mat1xbet アプリials for High-Efficiency Electrical En1xbet アプリgy Storage. 2018 Annual Review Meeting for Crosscutting Research, Omni William Penn Hotel, 530 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, April 10-12, 2018.

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